TUS Student Counselling Services contribute data to the Irish National Student Counselling Services database with the goal of improving services and expanding current knowledge about student mental health.
If you are 18 years or older, the service, with your consent, will share your de-identified data to a secure database managed by researchers in University College Dublin. You will not be identifiable from your data. Your data will be combined with similar data from other higher education institutes nationwide for statistical analysis. This data cannot be linked to you individually, so there are no foreseeable risks to contributing your data. Access to the de-identified data is restricted to approved researchers associated a research institution. The data are analysed in order to identify trends in student mental health, and to help Irish counselling services to evaluate their services.
With your consent, the service would like to contribute the following de-identified data:
- The registration form and questionnaires you complete
- The data created by counselling staff in regard to appointment types and presenting issues.
Your decision to participate is voluntary and will not affect the services you receive. You may withdraw your permission until the 31st of January (Semester 1 registration) and 30th of June (Semester 2 registration) as once contributed to the database your data will not be distinguishable from other individuals. There are no direct benefits to you for sharing your information. However, sharing your information may contribute to enhancing the future service provided by student counselling services. More information can be found at TUS Student Counselling website or by emailing TUS Midlands counselling.midlands@tus.ie or TUS Midwest counselling.midwest@tus.ie